Monday 31 March 2014

Chocolate from Ayrshire

Newsletters are great for reminding of what you could and should have bought for Mother's Day if you had been organised enough or checked your email at the right time! My in box revealed that again this morning and whilst it may be too late for my mum I now have some great ideas for Chocolate hamper gifts and prizes with Chocolati in Ayrshire.

Using the finest ingredients, Ayr based Chocolati are passionate about what they do using chocolate containing only the finest cocoa butter, together with their uniquely special recipes to create handmade chocolates of the highest quality. They are luxuriously smooth and creamy, with flavours that just burst in your mouth! Guaranteed to give maximum pleasure to real chocolate lovers.

Dark, Milk or White? Whatever you preference, most of their handmade chocolates come to suit your tastes and their round presentation boxes are designed to give the “WOW” factor once opened with each box carefully filled with a mouth-watering range of Luxury Dark, Milk and White chocolates, filled with soft centres, tangy fruit creams, ganaches, pralines and amazing truffles.

You can follow what Chocolati are up to on their Facebook page

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