So here's the offer - click on the image to book direct with the hotel and see the range of Summer rates at Westerwood.
Why Book Direct?
It is our belief that we should be, wherever possible, highlighting the value of Booking Your Room Direct with Scottish accommodation providers.
In the current market place it is all too easy for the visitor to stick to their preferred booking site - you know them all! - and just make that booking. Well we believe that there are a whole host of reasons for going direct and cutting out the middle man.
That's not to say you should spend more on your trip but we do encourage you to have a look at the hotel's own website and check whether you are being offered the best available rate.
If you Book Your Room Direct the accommodation provider can save up to 25% on the booking cost (even more if you're booking from a coupon site) and that can make the difference between investing in the hotel and not.
We will continue to promote the Book Your Room Direct message wherever and whenever we can.
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